Saturday, October 3, 2009

Keisengan test~!

Saya kebetulan lagi googling soal writing style dan akhirnya menemukan test ini:

Your Result

You are a descriptive writer. An avid reader of Robert Frost, perhaps, you LOVE to use flowery words and use the paper and pen as your canvas and paintbrush. You prefer to paint a mental image rather than simply toy around with people's minds. A very inspired person, you love to be in nature and usually are a very outdoorsy type of person. A writer with a natural green thumb, perhaps?

Perasaan kagak deh. Bahasa saya sama sekali tak berbunga-bunga (kalau berbunga bangkai-bunga bangkai sih iya XP), udah gitu bodoh soal deskripsi, dan saya buka tipe orang outdoor. Sangat tidak meyakinkaan.

Padahal, saya pikir saya dapetnya romatic writer (iya itu, fic fluffy semua gak ada yang bener) atau freeform writer (bentuk tulisan saya gak jelas sih)

Oh ya.. segitu aja. Arigato gozaimasu!

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